At the beginning of this semester, I wasn't sure how much I would learn from this class. I consider myself to be pretty tech-saavy, so I figured I'd just be getting a review of the basics in EDM 349. I was so wrong! Even though it was only a one credit class, I learned so much about technology and how to use it to transform classroom instruction. I now know about fair use, iBooks, flipped classrooms, iMovie, and so much more that I knew nothing about back in September. Speaking of iMovie, here's the PSA my group put together:
This movie was really easy to make, and I would love to have my future students do something similar to this!
EDM showed me a lot of technology tools I would use in my future classroom. However, I think the most important thing I learned in this class was that I should be using technology to transform learning. Don't just use technology because you can, use it in a way that's innovative and meaningful for students.
I hope you all took as much away from this experience as I did! Good luck on finals, everyone! :)